36 Hours on Martha’s Vineyard
New York Times
Published July 23, 2009
By Danielle Pergament
THE Democrats are back in power, which means Martha’s Vineyard is on the political radar again. The Kennedys have been coming since there were actual vineyards, Chelsea Clinton is reportedly tying the knot on the island and — oh, didn’t you hear? — the Obamas are on their way. But part of the Vineyard’s appeal is how easily it shrugs off snobbery, unlike other fancy playgrounds. (We’re looking at you, East Hampton.) Despite its popularity among the presidential set, Martha’s Vineyard is still a laid-back island with a lot of mopeds, fish shacks and nice beaches. Folks will tell you that the Vineyard is really just an old fishing community — that is, if you don’t get stuck behind a motorcade.
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